SP2416 Everyday Recorder, Recorder Everyday! by Michael Chandler
This resource of 10 lessons is accessible to the experienced classroom music teacher as well as to new teachers. The accompanying disc contains interactive visuals for each lesson in three formats: Smart Notebook, Promethean ActiveInspire, and Microsoft PowerPoint. While the files in Smart Notebook and ActivInspire are intended for use with their corresponding interactive whiteboards, they may also be projected onto any normal screen or whiteboard. The interactive portions of each lesson would then be manipulated solely from the teacher’s computer.
This book is …
* An approach that progresses note-by-note incorporating the soprano recorder into classroom music instruction. The note progression is C’ A D’ G B E D F# C F
* An approach that focuses on rote learning, playing by ear, and improvisation leading to music notation and composition.
* An approach that reinforces other musical skills while learning to play the recorder.
* An approach that allows other classroom activities to progress alongside recorder instruction.
* An approach that may be used all year long continuing from one grade level to the next.