G-9736 Feierabend Fundamentals


G-9736      Feierabend Fundamentals – History, Philosophy, and Practice, John M. Feierabend , Missy Strong, hardcover

Contributors: Kevin Boyle • John M. Feierabend • Lillie Feierabend • Betsy Greene • Connie Greenwood • Rachel Grimsby • Andrew Himelick • Lindsay Jackson • Craig Knapp • Chris Anne Powers • Stephanie Schall-Brazee • Missy Strong

Feierabend Fundamentals: History, Philosophy, and Practice is the first comprehensive look at all aspects of John M. Feierabend’s innovative and popular approach to teaching music, written by a team of practitioners from early childhood to college and beyond.

Topics include elementary general music, instrumental and choral music, assessment, children with special needs, establishing a First Steps business, and a comparison of the major music education methodologies.

Feierabend Fundamentals is written for new teachers, teachers certified by the Feierabend Association for Music Education, veteran teachers, and undergraduate and graduate college students.

Edited and compiled by Missy Strong and John M. Feierabend, this book is a major contribution to the music education profession and is a significant step to bringing this powerful yet child-centered approach to an even larger community.

Missy Strong has been joyfully teaching general and vocal music at the preschool, elementary, and middle school levels for over two decades. She is a Founding Member and Endorsed Teacher Trainer with the Feierabend Association for Music Education and is currently the president-elect. Missy is also a sought-after author, editor, presenter, and consultant who works with educators at the international, regional, state, local, and collegiate levels.

John M. Feierabend, PhD, is considered one of the leading authorities on child development in music and movement. His teaching and scholarship have provided thousands of teachers and their students with the materials and techniques to help build community by enabling all people to become tuneful, beatful, and artful. To that end he has developed two research-based and developmentally appropriate pedagogical methods: First Steps in Music, a music and movement program for infants through elementary aged children, and Conversational Solfege, a music literacy method for use in elementary through college music classes.

Categories: History, Method, Pedagogy, Skill Building