SP2381 Church Songs for 13 Note Handbells Arranged by Bradley L. Bonner / Book and downloadable audio or eBook with downloadable audio
The arrangements may be played on handbells/deskbells or any melodic instrument including the 13 chromatic notes C-c. Each song is supported by two exciting accompaniment tracks for young players. The audio includes 16 tracks with varied accompaniment styles. The first track for each arrangement is recorded with the melody and assorted descants, while the second track is recorded minus the melody and descants. Designed for beginning players as the arrangements build slowly in difficulty. Included with the score are text for singing, letter names, and numbers for the melody notes. Permission is granted to photocopy the written score, but the audio tracks may not be copied.
Titles Include:
To God Be The Glory
When I Survey
Simple GIfts
I Sing The Mighty Power
Spirit Of The Living God
Dona Nobis Pacem
What You Gonna Call?
Silent Night