11-01 I’m Growing Up


11-01 I’m Growing Up by New England Dance Masters


I’m Growing Up Fingerplays, Action Songs, Singing Games and Stories for Young Children Edited by Mary Alice Amidon and Andy Davis is a collection of lively rhythmic materials for children from preschool to grade 1 which includes a CD and a DVD. The songs, finger plays, games and dances invite children to immediately discover ways to connect with language, their hands and feet, their imagination and their community. The materials are drawn from activities composed by contemporary artists as well as traditional sources. In many cases, the variations that Davis and Amidon have found successful are included in the notes. The selections that would benefit most from being visual are on the DVD. Likewise, the CD does not include every selection from the book, but a broad sampling of the game and action songs. The editors urge you to use the CD as a learning tool for putting your own style into the singing.


Fingerplays: The Sun Is in My Heart, Here Is the Beehive, Five Little Hotdogs, Five Little Bunnies, Here Is the Boat, I’ve Got a Basket of Apples, I Shut the Door, Mr. Duck and Mr. Turkey, Chopping Firewood, Cradled Cozily, Chip Chop, A Little Seed
Action Songs: I’m Growing Up, When I Was One, Owl Moon, Seed in the Ground, Jim Along Josie, Hans Michael, My Poor Hand Is Shaking, Ten Little Fingers, My Aunt Came Back, Mi Cuerpo, Ata Makata, Sarasponda, Che Che Koolay, Form the Corn, Once There Was a Snowman, The Fishing Song, Applesauce Rock, Standing Like a Tree, What Are You Wearing?, Bye Bye Butterfly, Shake Hands with Friends,
Singing Games: Come Along, Everybody Strolling in the Park, Look Who’s Here, Wake Me, Shake Me, Oats, Peas, Beans, Shake Them ‘Simmons Down, Old Lady from Baltimore, You Put Your Right Hand In, Going Around the Mountain, Knees Up Mother Brown, Sing a Song of Sixpence, This Way Go Willoughby, Here We Go Riding Our Ponies, Sleeping Bunnies, Twinkle Blues
Story Games: The Little Boy and the Little Girl, The People Who Lived Behind the Mountains, Magic Mouse, Twenty Four Robbers, The Magic Forest