SP2376 The Big Easy by Brad Bonner
A first time player’s introduction to the B,A,G,E,d, and F# notes on the soprano recorder. The book comes complete with 18CD accompaniment tracks, 3 tracks for each note’s lesson. Track One is a note lesson, Track Two is an arrangement using the introduced note with the soprano recorder playing, and Track Three is a performance arrangement. Basic elementary skills such as singing, counting, breathing, understanding form, reading notes and playing musically are all encouraged by the sequential lessons and stylistically varying CD accompaniment. Permission to copy printed music is granted for the students in your class.
Song Titles include:
The “B” Note
Bossanova with a “B”
The “A” note lesson
The “G” Note Lesson
Jazz on the Lamb
The “E” Note Lesson
Porkchop Blues
The “D” Note Lesson
The Cultured Farmer
The “F#” Note Lesson
Freedom 6 Rondo