MUS-BR1-CD Purposeful Pathways, CD 1


MUS-BR1-CD Purposeful Pathways, CD 1 By Roger Sams and Beth Ann Hepburn

“Purposeful Pathways: Possibilities for the Elementary Music Room, Book 1” is an extensive collection of developmentally sequenced lessons for learning about music by making music. This collection incorporates strategies from Dalcroze Eurhythmics, Kod·ly and Orff Schulwerk. Each of the thirty lessons included is actually a collection of lessons or pathways, giving teachers many choices for how to work with the material. The possibilities in this book can be selected and shaped to work effectively in diverse situations. The teacher chooses which pathways will be explored and in what sequence they will be used. This flexible design makes this resource helpful to all teachers, first-year to seasoned educators!

  • Book 1 comes with a CD-ROM of PDF files of hands-on manipulatives to be reproduced for classroom use.
  • Electronic visuals (SMART Notebook files, which can be used even if you don’t use a SMART Board with free downloadable software) are available on the companion CD-ROM as an optional additional purchase. This CD-ROM companion to “Purposeful Pathways: Possibilities for the Elementary Music Classroom, Book 1” contains three formats: Microsoft® PowerPoint®, SMART Notebook™, and Promethean ActivInspire.

Rhythmic concepts organized & covered in Book 1 include: steady beat, quarter note, two eighth notes, quarter rest, sol, mi, la and do.

Name Riddle
Burnie Bee
Engine, Engine Number Nine
Mince Pie Fly
Cobbler, Cobbler
Young Animals
Rain on the Green Grass
The Mill Wheel
Barber, Barber Shave a Pig
Simple Simon
Shoemaker’s Dance
Bubble, Bubble, Bubble!
Lucy Locket
Duérmete, Mi Niña
High in the Pine Tree
Davy Dumpling
Humpty Dumpty
Jelly in the Bowl
We Fish
Hickory Dickory Dare
Horsing Around
Charlie in the Tub
Johnny’s Gone to Tea
Pease Porridge Hot
Wee Willie Winkie
Apple Tree
Johnny on the Woodpile
Little Sally Walker
Counting Out Rhymes
Garden Gate