G-8747 The Book of Playground Songs and Rhymes


G-8747 The Book of Playground Songs and Rhymes by John M. Feierabend

Series: First Steps in Music


Here is a great collection of songs and rhymes that invite beat motions from students in the mid to late elementary grades. For generations, neighborhood kids would gather to skip rope, bounce balls, play hand clapping games or choose one another to be the first “it” in a game with a counting-out rhyme.

The songs and rhymes in this book and the community made by playing these games are a great foundation for music learning. By sharing these songs and rhymes with students during music class, today’s students will discover the joy of music and, hopefully, share the songs, rhymes and games in this collection with their friends and family.

John M. Feierabend has organized these songs and rhymes into five distinct categories. Hand Clapping, Jump Rope, Ball Bouncing, Counting Out and Passing and Stick Games. Each section has numerous songs and rhymes to keep children interested and engaged for years and will be a wonderful resource for music teachers.

John M. Feierabend, PhD, has spent decades compiling songs and rhymes from the memories of the American people in the hopes that these treasures will be preserved for future generations. He is Professor and Chair of the Music Education Department at The Hartt School of the University of Hartford.