00-39583 Recorder Express Book, CD and Game Code


00-39583 Recorder Express Book, CD and Game Code by Artie Almeida

The Recorder Express method now comes packaged with a game code that unlocks the entire online game! You can use your own recorder as a controller while practicing the songs from the book in a fun game format. Preview the game for free at joytunes.com/express

Recorder Express puts you on track to becoming a great recorder player, while having fun! More than 120 folk, pop, and original songs and exercises are included, as well as technique tips and beginning music theory. Levels 1 and 2 are combined in this one edition! Notes are taught in this order: B, A, G, C, D, low E, low D, F-sharp, low C, F, high E. This method was well conceived and thoroughly tested by master teacher, clinician, and professional recorder player, Artie Almeida.

The included CD contains 99 tracks! Most are accompaniment only, but some feature a professional recorder player so that students can strive to match their beautiful tone and musicality.