HL50480904 FOLK SONGS NORTH AMERICA SINGS Voice and Piano, by Richard Johnston
This superb 382-page resource contains more than 350 North American folk songs, carefully sequenced both rhythmically and melodically for use with the Kodály method, which is based on authentic Hungarian folk music. The collection features information about solfege, form, phrase, length, range, rhythmic construction, and more.
Song List:
- ’round The Mountain
- A Ma Main Droite(What Have You
- Across The Hall
- Ah Vous Dirai-Je, Maman? (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)
- Ah! La Belle Menette Que J’ai!
- Ah! Les Jolis Papillons
- Ah! Les Petits Pois
- Ah! Si Mon Moine Voulait Danser! (Come And Dance With Me)
- Ah! Si Mon Moine(Come&Dance W/Me
- Alabama Girl
- All In The Morning
- All Join Hands
- All The Pretty Little Horses
- Alphabet Song
- Amasee
- Animal Song
- Apprenti Pastouriau
- As-Tu Vu Guillaume?
- Au Coin Du Nord
- Auction Block
- Avec Son Aiguille
- Awake
- Baa Baa Black Sheep
- The Babe Of Bethlehem
- Banjo Sam
- Banks Of Newfoundland,The
- Barnyard Song
- Bashful Courtship,The
- Bird’s Courting Song
- Blackbird And The Crow,The
- Blooming Bright Star Of Belle Isle
- The Blue Tail Fly (Jimmy Crack Corn)
- Bonhomme,Bonhomme(What Can You
- Bow,Belinda(1,2,3,O’leary)
- Brave Wolfe
- Bright Morning Stars Are Rising
- Bright Phoebe
- Broom Man,The
- Buckeye Jim
- Butterfly,Oh,You Are Fickle(Papi
- Bye Bye Baby (Virginia Lullaby)
- Bye, Baby Bunting
- C’est L’aviron I And Ii
- C’est La Nuit
- Cambric Shirt (Old Woman & Devil
- Cambric Shirt,The (Ii)
- Can You Plant Your Cabbage So?
- Canoe Song
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Captains And Ships
- Carrion Crow I And Ii
- Cedar Swamp
- Charlie
- Charlie Over The Ocean
- Chase The Squirrel
- The Cherry-Tree
- The Cherry Tree Carol
- Chimney Sweeper
- Chippewa Lullaby
- Christus Natus Hodie
- Cinderella
- Cindy
- Closet Key,The
- Cock Robin
- Cock-A-Doodle-Doo
- Come All Ye Fair And Tender Maidens
- Come&Join Our Dancing(Nous N’iro
- Come, O My Love
- Cotton Eyed Joe
- Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song)
- Cowboy’s Gettin’ Up Holler
- Cradle Song
- The Crawdad Hole
- Crocodile Song
- Cuckoo
- Cumberland Gap
- D’ou Viens-Tu, Beregere?
- Daddy Shot A Bear
- Daniel Saw The Stone
- Daughter, Will You Marry?
- The Deer Song
- Derby Ram,The I,Ii And Iii
- Devil’s Nine Questions
- Did You Ever See A Lassie?
- Did You Go?
- Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel?
- Do As I’m Doing
- Do Elephants Eat People?
- Do You See That There Bird?
- Do, Do Pity My Case
- Do, Oh, Do, Oh
- Dog Trick
- Don’t You Hear The Lambs?
- Donkey Riding
- Doughboy
- Down Came A Lady
- Down In That Valley
- Down In The Meadow(Hop-A-Doodle-
- Down In The Valley
- Down The River
- The Drunken Sailor
- Ducks In The Millpond
- Eensy Weensy Spider
- En Roulant Ma Boule
- Envoyons D’l’avant,Nos Gens
- Eskimo Game Song
- Eskimo Lullaby, An
- Eskimo Weather Incantation
- Exultation
- Fais Do-Do (Go To Sleep)
- The Farmer In The Dell
- Farmer’s Curst Wife,The
- Ferryland Sealer
- The Fire Down Below
- Fisher Who Died In His Bed,The
- Forward March,Grenadiers
- Fox Went Out On A Starry Night,A
- Frere Jacques (Are You Sleeping?)
- The Frog In The Bog
- Frog Went A-Courtin’
- Gai Lon La, Gai Le Rosier
- The Gallows Pole
- Gay As The Rose
- Get To Bed
- Girl’s A-Fooling
- Girls & Boys Come Out To Play
- Go In And Out The Village
- (Go Tell Aunt Rhody) The Ole Grey Goose Is Dead
- Go To Sleep
- Going Down To Cairo
- Going To Boston (American)
- Goodbye, Old Paint
- Goosey, Goosey Gander
- Green Gravel
- Green, Green Rocky Road
- The Greenland Whale Fishery
- The Grey Goose
- Griz-Ze-Ly Bear
- Ground Hog
- Gwan ‘roun’ Rabbit
- Ha, Ha Rosie
- Ha, Ha, This-A-Way
- Hanging Out The Linen Clothes
- Happy Miller
- Haul Away, Joe
- Haul Away,Boys,Haul Away!
- Haul On The Bowline
- Hauling Song
- Have A Little Dog
- Heirlooms
- Henry Martin
- Here We Go Zootie-O
- Hey Diddle Diddle
- Hey, Betty Martin
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- High Barbaree
- Hoosen Johnny
- Hop, Old Squirrel
- Hop Up, My Ladies
- Hot Cross Buns
- How The Days Go(Lundi,Jour De L
- Hullaballoo-Balay
- Hundred Years Ago,A
- Hunting The Wren
- The Huron Carol (‘Twas In The Moon Of Wintertime)
- Hurry Up, Liza Jane
- I Gave My Love A Cherry (The Riddle Song)
- I Got A Letter This Morning
- I Know A Thing Or Two (Je Sais-
- I Know Where I’m Going
- I Rode A Big Horse
- I Wish I Was A Little Bird
- I Wish I Was A Mole
- I Wonder As I Wander
- I’m Going To Get Married Next S.
- I’m Not Allowed (Sur La Montagne
- I’se The B’y That Builds T Boat
- Irish Trot
- Iroquois Lullaby
- Isabeau S’y Promene
- It Was A Mouse
- Jack Was Ev’ry Inch A Sailor
- Jamais On Vu
- Je Sais Bien Quelque Chose
- Jennie Jenkins
- Jerry Ryan
- Jesous Ahatonhia (Huron Carol)
- Jesus Born In Beth’ny
- Jesus, The Christ, Is Born
- Jingle At The Window
- Joe Rattle
- John Riley
- Jolly Miller
- Jubilee
- Jump In
- The Juniper Tree
- Katy Cruel
- The Keys Of Heaven
- Kitty Alone And I
- La Boiteuse Au Marche (Grannie-
- La Laine Des Moutons
- La Poule A Colin
- La Poulette Grise-Ii(Grey Hen)
- La Rose Blanche (The White Rose)
- Le Bal Chez Boule
- Le Marchand De Velours (The Velvet Merchant)
- Le Nez De Martin
- Le Petit Gregoire
- The Leatherwing Bat
- Leg Of Mutton, A
- Les Raftsmen (The Raftsmen)
- Let Me Fly
- Little Bird
- Little Bo-Peep
- Little Dogies
- Little Gal At Our House
- Little Grey Hen (Poulette Gr-Ii
- Little Marionettes (Petit Marion
- Little Rosa Lee
- Little White Daisies
- Liza Jane
- London Bridge
- Lone Star Trail,The
- Looby Loo
- Lowlands Away
- Lowlands Low
- Lukey’s Boat
- Lumber Camp Song
- Lummi Paddling Song
- Mabel, Mabel
- Mallard, The
- Mamma,Mamma,Have You Heard?
- Maria’s Gone
- Mary Had A Little Lamb
- Merchant I Married, The
- Milkmaid, The
- Miller, The
- Mister Rabbit
- Mockingbird
- Molly Bann
- The Monkey Song
- Monsieur Le Cure
- The Morning Dew
- The Muffin Man
- The Mulberry Bush
- Mush Toodin
- Muskrat
- My Bark Canoe
- My Father Gave Me
- My Good Old Man
- Needle’s Eye
- Night Herding Song
- Nobody’s Business
- North Wind Doth Blow, The
- Oats, Peas, Beans And Barley Grow
- Oh, Watch The Stars
- Oh! Dear Mother, Shall I Say?
- Oh, Daddy Be Gay
- Oh, Fly ’round
- Oh, Little Rock (Petit Rocher)
- Oh, Oh, The Sunshine
- Old Bangum And The Boar
- Old Betty Larkin
- The Old Brass Wagon
- The Old Chisholm Trail
- Old Dan Tucker
- Old Doc Jones
- Old Grandma
- The Old Gray Mare
- The Old Hen Cackled
- Old Joe Clark
- Old King Cole
- Old Mr. Rabbit
- Old Tommy Kendall
- Old Woman
- Old Woman Who Went To Market,The
- On Springfield Mountain
- On The Mountain
- Once A Canadian Lad(Un C Errant)
- One Cold And Frosty Morning
- One Day Isabel Wandered
- 1 2 3
- Over In Meadow Wh Gr.Grass Grows
- Over In Meadow–Nest–Tree
- Paddy On The Railroad
- A Paper Of Pins
- Partridge,A (Une Perdriole)
- The Paw Paw Patch
- Pea Vine Bow
- Peter Gray
- Plains Of Mexico,The (Santiano)
- Polly Put The Kettle On
- Pomme De Reinette
- Poor Old Crow
- Pop Goes The Weasel
- Praeties
- Pretty L.Girl W/Red Dress On
- Pretty Saro
- Primrose
- Pull On The Oars(C’est L’aviron)
- Rabbit Hash
- Rebel Soldier,The
- Red Apple Juice
- Red, Red Roses
- Rejoice, My Friends
- Resonet In Laudibus
- Reuben Ranzo
- Ride The Pony
- Riding ’round The Cattle
- Riding In A Buggy
- Right Hand Bow
- Ring Around The Rosie
- Rise Up, Shepherd, And Follow
- Rise, Sally, Rise
- Robin’s Last Will, The
- Rocky Road To Georgia
- Roll Over
- Roll That Brown Jug
- Roses Red Are, Oh, So Nice
- Ruby Were Her Lips
- Run, Children, Run
- Sable Island Song
- Sailing In The Boat
- Sallie’s Red Dress (Oh,Sunshine)
- Sally Brown
- Sally Go ‘Round The Sun
- Sally Goodin
- Sandy Land
- Savez-Vous Planter Des Choux?
- Scraping Up Sand
- See Jesus, The Saviour
- Shake That Little Foot
- Shantyman’s Life,The
- Shine Like A Star In The Morning
- Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me
- Sing A Song Of Sixpence
- Sing, All Men!
- Six Little Mice
- Skip To My Lou
- Sleep Baby Sleep
- Snake Baked A Hoecake
- Soldier Boy
- Soldier’s Fare, The
- Soldier, Won’t You Marry Me?
- Sourwood Mountain
- Sow Got The Measles, The
- Sporting Bachelors, The
- Squirrel Is A Pretty Lit Thing,A
- Squirrel Is Pretty Thing,A
- Star Of The East
- Sugar Babe
- Sun Don’t Set In The Mornin’
- Swapping Song, The
- Sweetheart Out A-Hunting
- Swing A Lady
- The Tailor And The Mouse
- Taking Gair In The Night
- Tale Of Jests
- Tarry Trousers, The
- There Was A Man And He Was Mad
- There Was A Tree
- There Was An Old Woman
- This Lady Wears
- Three Blind Mice
- Three Blue Pigeons
- Three Huntsmen, The
- Three Little Pigs
- To To Sleepy
- Tom, Tom, The Piper’s Son
- Toodala
- Topsy And Sambo
- Trotting Song
- Trudge Along,My Little Pony
- Tsiyak Soc.Sngs(Fast Dance&Slow)
- Turkey Song
- Turn The Glasses Over
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
- Two Dukes A-Roving
- Up She Rises
- Walking In The Green Grass
- Wassail, Wassail
- Wayfaring Stranger
- Wee Cock Sparra’
- Weevily Wheat
- Whaling Off Peru
- What Are Little Boys Made Of?
- What Can You Do? (Bonhomme,–)
- What Have You There?(Main Droite
- What Will I Do
- Wheel’s A-Turnin’
- When Adam Was Created
- When Grannie Goes Up To The Town
- When Jesus Wept
- Whence Come You,Shepherd Maiden?
- Who’ll Buy Me Milk Cans?
- Who’s That Tapping At The Window?
- Who’s That Yonder?
- Wife Wrapped In Wether’s Skin
- The Wind And The Rain
- Wing-Tra-La
- With My Baby On My Knee
- Wonder Where Is Good Old Daniel?
- Wondrous Love
- Yonder She Comes
- Yonder Stands A Handsome Lady
- The Young Man Who Wouldn’t Hoe Corn
- Youpe!youpe! Sur La Riviere