DVD6 Dances of the 7 Continents, Vol. 1 by Sanna Longden
Dances of the 7 Continents, Vol. 1 By Sanna Longden The first DVD in the two-volume set, Dances of the 7 Continents. Sanna is shown teaching the dances and music games from all continents (except Antarctica) to students and their teachers (K through college), family groups, and adult folk dancers. Each dance segment includes a brief cultural background description and teaching tips. Also included are interviews with elementary music, physical education, and classroom teachers, a principal, and students, plus instruction of some movement figures and written dance instructions in a PDF file. An online link to downloadable PDF files of the syllabus of dance directions is included.
Contents: (With suggested grade levels)
Africa: Bele Kawe (individual dance in West African/Caribbean style) for upper elementary-adultsDebky (line dance of North African and Arabic cultures) for upper elementary-adultsAsia:Hashual (the fox game from Israel) adaptable for K-8High Green Mountain (circle dance from Taiwan using wrist bells) adaptable for all agesHoy Nergis/Toi Nergiz (Armenian dance with lines for each gender) 4th-adultsAustralia:Thady You Gander (energetic longways dance) 4th-adultsEurope:Ach Ja (humorous partner dance from Germany) K-3rdAlunelul (circle dance from Romania) upper elementary-adultsGustav’s Skoal (Swedish square dance with “lurkers”) 3rd-8thLos Tachos (stick dance from southern France) 3rd-8thSicilian Tarantella (Sicilian dance for fours using tambourines) 4th-adultsNorth America:Canoe Dance (Native American dance in short lines of Haliwa-Saponi nation) 2nd-6thHere Comes Sally (African-American dance in longways sets) 2nd-adultsSwing dancing (basic six-count pattern of quintessential U.S. dance) 5th-adultsSouth America:El Juego Chirimbolo (traditional music game in Espanol from Ecuador) K-5th