SP005 5th Grade Individual Music Kit
16 beat rhythmic dictation/composition manipulatives
8 beat melodic dictation/composition manipulatives
Pair of 1/4″ wooden dowels to be used as rhythm sticks
4″ section of a pool noodle to be used as sandpaper scrapers
Egg Shaker
10 bingo chips in a snack size zip-lock bag for melodic dictation/composition
A piece of black yarn to use as a leger line for melodic dictation/composition
10″x13″ zip-lock bag
Snack size zip-lock bag
All components of the kit will fit in the 10″ x 13″ zip-lock plastic bag.
Rhythm cards will fit in the zip-lock snack bag.
All Manipulatives will be professionally printed on card stock.
Rhythm cards will not be cut out or laminated.
In our efforts to keep shipping cost as low as possible, the dowels, scrapers and egg will not be inside the 10″x13″ zip-lock bag, but packed separately when shipped. All other components will be in the zip-lock bag.